About Narande

Narande means ‘alongside’, ‘walk on together’. It also contains something like ‘narrative’, which means ‘telling a story’.

Wilma Kok will start to work in Uganda under this name. The Narande logo is showing a path, in red: alarm, help is needed! Then, red and green are coming together. Walking on together, sharing. Then, the red path is moving on in green. Green represents growth and development.

Op dat punt van kruisen/ontmoeten zal Wilma werkzaam zijn. Wilma is video-interactie begeleider en gezins-& opvoedcoach met een onderwijsachtergrond. Haar wens is om op deze kruising de ouders en opvoeders vaardigheden te leren in het opvoeden en begrijpen van kinderen en wel zo dat deze informatie en vaardigheden gedeeld gaan worden in de community’s. Zodat iedereen de groene weg vervolgd.

Wilma will be moving around at that point of crossing/ meeting each other. Having a professional background in education, Wilma is working as a Video Interaction Supervisor as well as a family & parenting coach. Her wish is to learn parents and educators the right skills at this crossing point, making them able to understand and raise children in such a way that they can share their skills and information within their communities. So everyone can continue the green path.

Wilma is working in the villages and communities outside of town: there where people have no possibilities to go to the city for help and information.

During a short trip in 2016, Wilma discovered that the Ugandan parents and carers had many questions. In 2017, Wilma went to Uganda for half a year, to find out what questions they had exactly, what the parents and carers need, and how they can be put in their power. From March 2018, Wilma has a full-time employment in Uganda.

Wilma is showing the communication between educators and children by using Video Interaction recordings. These recordings are being watched and discussed with the adults. A very powerful device, because of its immediate effects.

In addition, by teaching and coaching educators, Wilma provides information about communication, conflict management, identity, child development, pregnancy, and birth.


Having a professional background in education, Wilma works as a Video Interaction Supervisor and as a family & parenting coach. She has a strong drive to share her knowledge and experience concerning parenting and education.

After working in this field for several years in The Netherlands, since 2016 she had strongly experienced she should exchange her working area from The Netherlands to Uganda. In Wairaka and its neighbourhood in Uganda, Wilma is working on supporting parents, carers and teachers to understand child behaviour. As soon as you understand that behaviour, you can adapt your reaction to it, in order to mentor the children on the road to adulthood.

In Uganda, a lot of people are lacking information about child development, about communication and education. Wilma is sharing this information and coaches by using video-interaction guidance (VIG) within families, communal groups and at schools. In addition, she teaches about many subjects regarding parenting and education. Her greatest wish is to educate the Ugandan people, making them able to continue the work in the villages and communities.


Help mee!

Help us!

Do you want to make a difference in the life of a Ugandan family?

Narande is coming home at Ugandan families that have little or no access to information concerning parenting and education. This means that the work is completely depending on donations. You can donate by bank transfer, to:

Stichting NGW*
NL76 INGB 0000 8151 98
Foundation number: 100.02, Narande projects

The NGW Foundation has a ANBI status (ANBI = Public Benefit Organisation – PBO)

*NGW = Dutch World evangelisation Community



Narande Uganda is cooperating with other organisations in Uganda:

  • • Jinja Christian School
  • • Engaging Education
  • • The Village of Hope
  • • Mama&Me
  • • Busoga Womens’ Welfare Society
  • • No Apologies
  • • Communicatiemat REAPP
  • • True You
  • • Opvoedkwaliteitenspel
  • • Friendshipscards


Wilma is being supported by a Home Front Team (HFT) from The Netherlands: Peter, Rieneke and Marianne. This team is taking care of practical, financial and mental support, so Wilma can fully focus on the work she is doing in Uganda.